Meet Adriaan den Dulk, Ansvar Risk’s new Senior Risk Solutions Consultant
Adriaan joins fellow Senior Risk Consultant Anthony Black in Diana Borgmeyer’s team in helping to spread the word about Ansvar’s Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) practices and framework.
The South African-born governance expert brings over 21 years of experience in the insurance broking industry to our specialist for-benefit insurance organisation.
For the last two years he has provided specialist advice on governance to boards.
And for 15 years Adriaan has been a part-time lecturer to the Australian Institute of Company Directors, focusing on strategy and risk.
Adriaan believes we are now entering a hardening market.
“For example, with Directors and officers insurance, in some cases premiums have trebled. The claims coming down the line are is in excess of $1.5 billion, but the premium pool is less than $300 million,” Adriaan says.
He says the dramatic rise in class actions are against directors is a major challenge.
Another big challenge is to provide support to both the government and the for-benefit sector in the roll-out of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
“Risk management is not about risk avoidance, it’s about grasping risk, embracing it but managing it effectively and conscientiously and with great responsibility.
“I use the Bradman analogy: ‘High performance but with great care and diligence’.
“We in the for-benefit sector have a duty to those who are dependent on us to manage their scarce resources as effectively and efficiently as possible.
“Experience has shown organisations that have good governance standards enjoy higher performance outcomes.”
Adriaan believes Australia leads the way in setting those governance standards.
“The Australian standard of risk management has now morphed into the international standard,” he says.
“The Australian standard of governance is arguably the best available – because it is principle based as opposed to the prescriptive approach followed in the US (Sarbanes-Oxley) .”
Using those principles, Adriaan believes he and the Ansvar risk team are best placed to help the for-benefit sector navigate the enterprise risk management challenges ahead.
For more details on our Enterprise Risk Management offering please click here