Ansvar is committed to resolving any complaints you may have in a fair, timely and effective manner.

If you are not happy with our products, services or handling of your personal information or would like to raise your concerns or discuss your complaint, please call us on 1300 650 540 or send an email outlining your concerns to and a team member will assist you.

We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within one business day. The team member will refer you to a manager if they are unable to resolve the matter for you.


If you are not satisfied with the initial response on the complaint, you can request the complaint to be referred to our Dispute Resolution Committee.

To do so, please call us on 1300 650 540, send an email to or send your written correspondence to Ansvar Disputes Resolution GPO Box 1655, Melbourne, Victoria 3001.

Our service team will contact you if they require further information and they will provide you with an outcome within 30 calendar days of us receiving notice of the complaint. Please ensure you provide us with your preferred contact details.


If you feel your complaint is not resolved, you may wish to take further action by lodging your complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) even if it is still under consideration by us. AFCA provides fair, free and independent dispute resolution to consumers.

AFCA Website:
AFCA Email:
AFCA Phone: 1800 931 678 (free call)

For non English speaking customers, please refer to the following:

Simplified Chinese – Mandarin – 普通话

Arabic – عربي

Vietnamese – Tiếng việt

Italian – Italiano