
Hobart and Canberra Broker Forums Announced

October 22, 2018

Ansvar’s 2018 Education Forum “Protecting Vulnerable People” provided enormous insight for brokers and clients as insurance moves from simple “risk transfer” to “greater risk awareness”.

Cassandra Heilbronn, Senior Associate at MinterEllison, who attended the Melbourne forum said it was “one of the best insurance events I have attended from a content perspective.”

The forums, conducted in five states in August, drew 250 industry participants.
The topic: “Protecting Vulnerable People in the changing risk and governance landscape” proved a great industry drawcard and due to the overwhelmingly positive feedback Ansvar are delighted to announce 2 additional broker forums with the same topic and key learnings, taking place this year, in Hobart and Canberra, with attendees earning 3 CIP points.

The FREE half-day forums are designed to help brokers identify today’s set of risks and how to deal with them to strengthen governance. So register NOW to attend our Hobart or Canberra forums!

Organisations are telling us that they want to tighten the focus on risk management so that it becomes an integral part of how they make decisions, prevents harms and optimises outcomes.
Providing services to vulnerable people requires a unique way of considering risk and governance. Brokers play an important role in assisting clients with their journey to improve risk management and we encourage you to attend our forums to learn how you can support your clients by helping them to strengthen their risk management.

-Date: Wednesday 21 November
-Location: RACV Hobart Hotel
-Time: 8:30am-12:30pm
-Running Order: We will have tea, coffee and light morning refreshments during registration at 8:30am to 9:00am and lunch after our forum at 12:00pm

-Date: Friday 7 December
-Location: Hyatt Hotel Canberra
-Time: 9:00am-1:00pm
-Running Order: We will have tea, coffee and light morning refreshments during registration at 9:00am to 9:30am and lunch after our forum at 12:30pm


A feedback survey we conducted afterwards showed a whopping 96% of participants took away a “good” to “excellent” understanding of Ansvar’s Risk Management Solutions. A slightly higher 98% said they would encourage others to attend future Ansvar Forums.

Here are some of your comments:

“This was by far the BEST Ansvar presentation/forum I have ever attended. All the speakers were of quality nature and topics were relevant, clear and concise. It is clear a lot of prep work went into this forum, well done team!”
“Good balance of technical and concept. Kept my interest the entire time. Excellent!”
“Great to see the proactive approach that Ansvar is taking in educating its clients”.
“Very good insight into the risks associated with the aged care industry in particular”.

Register your attendance using the links above.

Ansvar is a leading risk and insurance provider for the Faith, Community, Care, Education and Heritage sectors and every year we host educational forums that are relevant to the markets current climate.


Below is Anthony Black, Ansvar Risk’s Senior Risk Consultant, speaking at our Melbourne broker forum discussing governance and risk management. More videos from our Melbourne broker forum can be viewed here.

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