Community Education Program

Ansvar grant to help put Sunshine Butterflies into jam!

June 11, 2019

Specialist Insurer Ansvar has given $10,000 to help QLD’s Sunshine Butterflies Disability Support Service kick off a jam-making business involving people living with a mental and/or physical disability.

The donation is part of Ansvar’s $250,000 National Community Education Program (CEP) grants to 10 not-for-profit organisations across Australia in 2018/19.

Sunshine Butterflies Founder and CEO Leanne Walsh said the Ansvar funding “would help the three stages of production from growing the herbs and fruit, to covering the design and marketing costs, and finally the packaging and labelling costs”.

“About half of all working-age people with a disability are not in the labour force. This program will change that for our members, giving them a real sense of community involvement,” Mrs Walsh said.

A registered NDIS provider, Sunshine Butterflies provide a range of educational and recreational services including: early intervention programs, sport and recreation programs, educational and life skills programs.

Sunshine Butterflies offers a ‘one-stop-shop’ for disability support services, at their hub ‘Our Backyard’, a purpose-built, highly unique, and tranquil 5 acre oasis in the Noosa hinterland.

Ansvar CEO Warren Hutcheon said: “We are very proud of our CEP Grant Program and inspired by the phenomenal work that this year’s ten recipients do to better the lives of Australia’s young people. Funding for non-profit organisations is more of a challenge every year, and Ansvar looks forward to watching these amazing organisations make a positive impact in so many people’s lives.”

Every year Ansvar receives more than 250 applications for grants of up to $50,000. The money goes to organisations that provide education, skills training and other programs helping vulnerable youth.

A review panel assess applications in October each year.
Go to for information about CEP.

Below is a Thank You video from the team at Sunshine Butterflies.

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