2017/2018 Grant Recipients Overview
The Community Education Program provides grants to support sustainable programs for Australians under the age of 25, promoting ongoing education, skill training and programs making a significant difference to the lives of the participants. Ansvar has awarded over $250,000 to seven worthy Australian non-profit organisations to our 2017/ 2018 CEP grant recipients. The grant money helps the organisations hugely with the running of their specific programs they have created in various ways such as employment, training and operational costs. Below is an overview of our 2017/ 2017 grant recipients.

Anglicare: Waves of Wellness
Anglicare have partnered with Waves of Wellness organisation facilitating a program designed to support individuals experiencing complex mental health challenges through innovative, recovery-focused projects. WOW is a surf therapy charity that Anglicare has partnered with over the past 2 years to run WOW groups. The program is aimed at youth between the ages of 13 and 25 who struggle with their mental health through surf therapy. The grant will fund the delivery of 3 different 8 week surf therapy programs in 3 different sites across Sydney. The program aims to reach out to 30 young adults providing a safe space where they can bond over their common mental health struggles in an inclusive environment, alongside learning about surf safety and survival skills.

Hunter Life Education: Adopt a School
The program will target schools specifically below the national average on the ICSEA score. The program will provide the schools targeted with access to LE Educators, delivering classroom modules, focusing on areas such as obesity, drug use, the impact of alcohol consumption, decisions, and bullying. It is anticipated that the cost of $26 per student covers the costs of the Educator, resources and materials for the school, van transportation and program development. Over 1800 students will benefit from the modules.

Ocean Heroes: Ocean Heroes
The program creates a safe, fun and caring environment for Australian youth in Western Australia with autism spectrum disorder to go surfing. The funds will contribute towards a new van, allowing more equipment to be purchased and transported to and from events. This will allow them to become fully self-sufficient and continue to grow across Western Australia, with the opportunity to host surf events in remote areas. These events spanning across a year, will allow up to 1000 youth living with autism to gain self-confidence, and be part of an organised sport activity, in a supported and structured environment.

One Voice: Elevate
The grant will cover the full costs of providing the first accommodation unit, based within the Life Restoration Community. The housing community will be available to young people aged 18-25 years, who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness, or those who have taken a wrong turn in life and need help to restore it. This first accommodation unit will provide housing for 4-8 young people per year. They will have access to a program, incorporating skills based training to allow young people to obtain the necessary skills to embark in employment and become contributing members of society.

Schools Ministry Group: Life Matters “The Blueprint to Becoming a Man” Workshop
Life Matters “The Blueprint to Becoming a Man” workshop targets high school male students, aged 12-17 years old. Suicide is the number one cause of death for Australian men aged 15-44. This program will aim to educate male students and bring awareness, along with practical methods on how to overcome battles they may face as they enter adulthood. The workshop will promote awareness of suicide, and allow for healthy discussions along with providing emotion coaching enabling young men to act and help a friend before it is too late..

Skilling Australia Foundation: Career Edge
Skilling Australia Foundation has been awarded $30,000 to recruit 30 disadvantaged, unemployed young people. They will undertake three weeks pre-employment training and work placement leading to a qualification into a job sector identified by the Federal Governments’ as an area of skills shortage in QLD. On completion of training they will be able to complete an apprenticeship with a host employer. The funding will allow materials and administration to be compiled to recruit the 30 young people, along with covering costs of the training in partnership with RTO/TAFE.

Zoe Support Australia: Breaking the Cycle and Building Bridges
Zoe Support is a community based organisation operating within Mildura and surrounding districts. The program will target disadvantaged and disengaged pregnant and or young mother to re-engage with education. The grant will employ an Education Support Officer. The ES Officer will provide professional services to support young mothers transition back to education. They will also help to address barriers to successful education such as housing, transport and flexible pathways to obtain their qualifications.