2019/2020 Grant Recipients Overview
The Community Education Program provides grants to support sustainable programs for Australians under the age of 25, promoting ongoing education, skill training and programs making a significant difference to the lives of the participants. Ansvar has awarded over $250,000 to ten worthy Australian non-profit organisations. The money goes to organisations that provide education, skills training and other programs helping vulnerable youth.

Batyr: batyr@school
The program works with school partners over a school year period embedding mental health education into school wellbeing initiatives. The grant will help batyr fund mental health awareness programs to help young people understand mental health and wellbeing, decrease stigma around having conversation about mental illness and difficult times.

Puuya Foundation: Empowered Women and Girls
The grant will fund the design and implementation of a highly interactive education and personal development workshops for aboriginal young women and girls in the Lockhart River Community. These women and girls come from families where many struggle with generations of trauma and poverty, cultural and country dislocation, substance abuse and mental illness, domestic violence and isolation. The workshops and education session will include a variety of activities such as empowerment, self-awareness, life skills workshops, positive partner relationships, life coaching support for study and vision and goal setting.

Huntington’s NSW ACT: Huntington’s Youth Connection
Huntington’s disease is a genetically inherited progressive and highly disabling neurological disease that is present at birth but symptoms usually start between the ages of 35 and 50. A child whose parent has Huntington’s disease is likely to experience a range of challenges including: becoming a young carer; loss of emotional, economic and social support from their parents; the possible early death of a parent; and the constant worry that they may have inherited the gene and will develop the illness when they are older. The Youth Connection Program includes a range of services provided by a social worker, such as Huntington’s targeted counselling, education and group support to assist these young people and ultimately improve their quality of life.

Support Kids in Pain: SKiP Pain Education
SKiP is Australia’s first organisation to offer a free community-based pain management service to children with chronic pain. The program is based on a multidisciplinary models of care and combines individual therapy sessions with group education. The participants will be required to be referred by an accredited health profession and undergo a full clinical and psychological assessment – which forms the basis of the long-term care plan. The participants will also learn a variety of techniques for managing their pain, including understanding pain physiology, relaxation, healthy sleep, coping with emotions and returning to meaningful activities.

QLD Police Citizens Youth Welfare Association – PCYC Townsville: Indigenous Youth Marine Licencing
The grant will support Indigenous youth through obtaining their marine licence which could provide employment, gain support from Marine Parks as well as making better use of their Indigenous knowledge and experience. The expected impact is that the program aims to improve access to employment, education, health social and cultural activities. The program will also re-establish the cultural links with the coast and sea which are vital to Indigenous youths. Participants will also experience a sense of achievement and increase of self-esteem and self-worth.

Books in Homes Australia: The Rotary DG Family Project – Books for Kids
The grant will fund the purchase of books for primary school aged children to receive 2 new books for them to keep. This program will be impacted in South Eastern and Yarra Ranges suburbs of Victoria, covering 30 Government Primary Schools which are considered by the Government to be educationally disadvantaged. Children living in families in which owning a book is not the “norm” will increase the child’s capacity for learning and improving themselves which helps to reduce inequalities and empowers them to live more healthy and sustainable lives.

We Care Community Services: School’s Empowerment and Education
This program is targeted at teenagers who are disengaged and/or disconnected due to a variety of reasons such as their background, lack of resources, newly arrived migrants/refugees and financial hardships. The program is offered to year 7-9 students during lunchtime once a week to participate in games, engage with We Care Community leaders and learn about mental health, attitudes, confidence and resilience. Their social interactions is always promoting a positive lifestyle, which encourages students to make good decisions in their life.

Grandparents for Grandchildren SA: Supplementary Educations and Sports Fund
The program is focused on assisting as many at risk and/or traumatised children across the State including Aboriginal and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) children who have been removed from fractured and abusive family environments to be cared for their Grandparents or other Kin. The program will provide essential education-related items such as; iPads, school uniforms, sport uniforms and equipment, and school-endorsed excursions.