
Why is Public Liability Insurance So Important for Charities?

September 8, 2022

It surprises some people to learn that even charitable organisations need adequate insurance to protect themselves against potential risks like claims of compensation for personal injury, property damage, or even defamation. As a charity, you are likely to have public liability insurance as part of your charity insurance policy.


But what is public liability insurance and why do charities need it?

Public liability insurance is there to protect your charity in the event that someone is injured or their property is damaged as a result of your charity’s activities. It can also cover you in the event that you are accused of defamation or libel.

The risks that charities face can vary depending on the type of charity and the work that they do. For example, a charity that works with vulnerable people may be at risk of allegations of abuse or neglect, while a charity that organises public events may be at risk of property damage or personal injury claims.

While it’s impossible to completely eliminate all risks, having public liability insurance can help to protect your charity from the financial consequences of a claim being made against it. It’s important to remember that even if a claim is unsuccessful, the cost of defending yourself can be significant.


The benefits of having public liability insurance for your charitable organisation

In addition to financial protection, it can offer peace of mind knowing that you are covered in the event that something goes wrong. Public liability insurance can also help to improve your charity’s reputation, as it shows that you take your responsibilities seriously and are prepared for any eventuality.

There are many case studies of how public liability insurance has helped charities in the past. For example, in 2017 a charity in the UK was ordered to pay £100,000 in damages after a volunteer was injured while helping to clear a garden. The charity’s public liability insurance policy covered the cost of the damages and their legal fees.

In another case, a charity in Australia was sued for defamation after an article was published on their website which contained false information about a local business. The charity’s public liability insurance policy covered the cost of their legal fees and the damages that were awarded to the business.


Choosing a charity insurance provider

When choosing a public liability insurance policy for your charity, it is important to make sure that you are fully aware of the cover that’s provided. You should also consider the excess that you’ll be required to pay in the event of a claim.

The amount that you pay for your public liability insurance will depend on a number of factors, including the size and activities of your charity. Many insurers offer discounts to charities, so it is worth shopping around to get the best deal.


Get an instant quote with Ansvar today

If you are looking for reliable charity insurance, Ansvar can help. We have a wealth of experience creating tailored insurance products to directly cater for our clients in the community, faith, heritage, education and care sectors. Contact us today to find out more.

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